Sunday, January 31, 2010

Jello anyone?

Just got my run in. 7.6 miles. Woo Hoo. But boy do my legs feel like jello....and not the set up jello or the jiggler jello...more like the still semi liquid stage jello. Eating my post run snack of Oikos vanilla yogurt, with homemade granola, banana and blueberries. Yum! Coming back in from my run, I passed a guy, also running and....he saluted me. I'm not sure what to make of that. Usually when I pass people we exchange the typical lift your hand and kinda of wave signal thingy....but in return I got a salute. Kinda made me feel good..I must admit, especially since I was getting extremely tired! Time to get the kiddo down for her nap. Until next time...

Is there sleep in my house?

I don't think so! Maddie has always been a good sleeper, but an early riser. She finally got up on her own yesterday, went downstairs, got her milk and turned on the tv all by herself. Pretty impressive except for the fact that it was all before 5am. She then decided it was taking too long for me to get up so about 5:30 she came back upstairs to see what was taking me so long. Ummm...sleep is what is taking me too long. I went downstairs, scoped out her situation and was able to get back upstairs to sleep for about another 45 minutes. This morning consisted of healthy whole wheat oatmeal blueberry muffins (will freeze these for a quick grab and go breakfast during the week). After these were done, we made buttermilk oatmeal pancakes with poached eggs. Maddie of course ate like a champ having a muffin, a pancake and an egg. She's now jumping off the walls with energy. I'm just waiting for my breakfast to digest so I can get my long run in today. My aim today is at least 6 miles and would love it if I feel good enough to get about 7-8 miles. We'll see. It's still quite chilly outside so my run will have to wait a bit longer.

Saturday, January 30, 2010


I’ve never been very athletic and I’ve always envied *those people* you see running on the sidewalk. I woke up one day in 2001 and finally decided it was my turn to be *one of those people*. This was one of the most liberating and life changing events of my life. I could barely run 1/4 of a mile when I first started running but built up my endurance over time and have run many races including a half marathon. While training for a marathon a developed a stress fracture. Following my recovery, I got pregnant and after having my daughter, I got out of the swing of things. Now....after a 4 year hiatus, I’m jumping back into the saddle and committing myself to the sport I love. I just hope that life doesn’t get in the way. We’ll see.